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The Antiquity of China, or an Historical Essay, Endeavouring a probability that the Language of the Empire of China is the Primitive Language spoken through the whole World before the Confusion of Babel. wherein The Customs and Manners of the Chineans...

Auteur(s) : WEBB OF BUTLEIGH (John)

Description : Printed for Obadiah Blagrave, at the Bear in St. Paul's Church-Yard, near the Little North Door, 1678, pet. in-8

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : The Antiquity of China, or an Historical Essay, Endeavouring a probability that the Language of the Empire of China is the Primitive Language spoken through the whole World before the Confusion of Babel. wherein The Customs and Manners of the Chineans are presented, and Ancient and Modern Authors consulted with. By John Webb of Butleigh in the County of Somerset Esquire.

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