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A discourse of the navigation which the Portugales doe make to the Realmes and Prouinces of the East partes of the worlde, and of the knowledge that growes by them of the great thinges, which are in the Dominions of China. Written by Barnardine of...

Auteur(s) : DE ESCALANTE (B.).

Description : Imprinted in London at the three Cranes in the Vinetree, by Thomas Dawson· 1579, pet. in-4

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : A discourse of the navigation which the Portugales doe make to the Realmes and Prouinces of the East partes of the worlde, and of the knowledge that growes by them of the great thinges, which are in the Dominions of China. Written by Barnardine of Escalanta, of the Realme of Galisia Priest. Translated out of Spanish into English, by Iohn Frampton.

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