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A New Account of the East Indies, being the Observations and Remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton, Who spent his Time there from the Year 1688. to 1723. Trading and Travelling, by Sea and Land, to most of the Countries and Islands of Commerce and...

Auteur(s) : HAMILTON (Alexander)

Description : Edinburgh, Printed by John Mosman One of His Majesty's Printers, and sold at the King's Printing-house in Craig's Closs. MDCCXXVII 1727, 2 vol. in-8

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : A New Account of the East Indies, being the Observations and Remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton, Who spent his Time there from the Year 1688. to 1723. Trading and Travelling, by Sea and Land, to most of the Countries and Islands of Commerce and Navigation, between the Cape of Goodhope, and the Island of Japan.

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