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A Relation of some yeares Travaile, begunne Anno 1626. Into Afrique and the greater Asia, especially the Territories of the Persian Monarchie : and some parts of the Orientali Indies, and Iles adiacent. Of their religion, language, habit, discent,...

Auteur(s) : HERBERT (Thomas)

Description : London, Printed by Wllliam Stans by, and Jacob BIoome, 1634, pet. in-fol., fig.

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : A Relation of some yeares Travaile, begunne Anno 1626. Into Afrique and the greater Asia, especially the Territories of the Persian Monarchie : and some parts of the Orientali Indies, and Iles adiacent. Of their religion, language, habit, discent, ceremonies, and other matters concerning them. Together with the proceedings and death of the three late Ambassadeurs: Sir D. C. Sir R. S. and the Persian Nogdi Beg: As also the two great Monarchs, the King of Persia, and the Great Mogol. By T. H. Esquier.

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