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The AIR BALLOON: or a TREATISE on the AEROSTATIC GLOBE, lately invented by the celebrated MONS. MONTGOLFIER of Paris, shewing, I. Those Properties of Air, which influence an Air Balloon. II. The particular Construction and Methods of filling it. III....

Description : in-8, G. Kearsley, 1783

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : The AIR BALLOON: or a TREATISE on the AEROSTATIC GLOBE, lately invented by the celebrated MONS. MONTGOLFIER of Paris, shewing, I. Those Properties of Air, which influence an Air Balloon. II. The particular Construction and Methods of filling it. III. Some of the great Variety of probable Uses which this important Discovery may be applied to for the Benefit of Mankind. The whole rendered familiar to the plainest Capacity, with etching showing ascent of a earless balloon

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