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A CATALOGUE of CHYMICALL BOOKS ; in the First and Second Parts are contained such Chymical Books as have been written Originally, or Translated into English : with a large Account of their Titles, several Editions and Volumes; likewise in the Third...

Auteur(s) : COOPER (William)

Description : in-12, 1675

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : A CATALOGUE of CHYMICALL BOOKS ; in the First and Second Parts are contained such Chymical Books as have been written Originally, or Translated into English : with a large Account of their Titles, several Editions and Volumes; likewise in the Third Part is contained a Collection of such things published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (for Ten Years together) as pertain to Chymistry, or the Study of Nature by Art in the Animal, Vegetal, and Mineral Kingdom

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