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A BOOKE named TECTONICON, briefly showing the EXACT MEASURING, and speedie reckoning of all manner of Land, Squares, Timber, Stone, Steeples, Pillers, Globes, etc. Further, declaring the perfect making and large USE of the CARPENTERS RULER, containing...

Auteur(s) : DIGGES (Leonard)

Description : pet. in-4, 1625

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : A BOOKE named TECTONICON, briefly showing the EXACT MEASURING, and speedie reckoning of all manner of Land, Squares, Timber, Stone, Steeples, Pillers, Globes, etc. Further, declaring the perfect making and large USE of the CARPENTERS RULER, containing a QUADRANT GEOMETRICALL : comprehending also the RARE VSE of the SQUIRE. And in the end a little Treatise on the composition and appliances of ... the PROFITABLE STAFFE, etc.

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