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A GEOMETRICAL PRACTICAL TREATIZE named PANTOMETRIA . . . lately reviewed by the AUTHOR himselfe, and AUGMENTED with sundrie Additions, Diffinitions [sic] , Problemes and rare Theoremes, to open the passage, and prepare away to the vnderstanding of his...

Auteur(s) : DIGGES (Thomas)

Description : in-folio, Abell Jeffes, 1591

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : A GEOMETRICAL PRACTICAL TREATIZE named PANTOMETRIA . . . lately reviewed by the AUTHOR himselfe, and AUGMENTED with sundrie Additions, Diffinitions [sic] , Problemes and rare Theoremes, to open the passage, and prepare away to the vnderstanding of his Treatize of MARTIALL PYROTECHNIE and great ARTILLERIE, hereafter to be published

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