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The TREASURE of EUONYMUS, conteyninge the wonderfull hid secretes of nature, touchinge the most apte formes to prepare and destyl Medicines, for the conseruation of helth : as Quintessece, Aurum Potabile, Hippocras, Aromatical wynes, Balmes, Gyles,...

Auteur(s) : [ GESNER (Conrad)]

Description : petit in-4, John daie, S.d (1539]

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : The TREASURE of EUONYMUS, conteyninge the wonderfull hid secretes of nature, touchinge the most apte formes to prepare and destyl Medicines, for the conseruation of helth : as Quintessece, Aurum Potabile, Hippocras, Aromatical wynes, Balmes, Gyles, Perfumes, garnishyng waters, and other manyfold excellent confections. Whereunto are ioyned the formes of sondry apt FORNACES, and vessels, required in this art. Translated (with great diligence, & laboure) out of Latin, by PETER MORWYNG felow of Magdaline Colleadge in Oxford

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