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DESCRIPTION of VENTILATORS : whereby Great Quantities of FRESH AIR may with Ease be conveyed into MINES, GOALS, HOSPITALS, WORK-HOUSES and SHIPS . . . and their Great Usefulness in preserving all Sorts of Grain Dry, Sweet, and free from Weevels, etc....

Auteur(s) : [ HALE (Thomas) ]

Description : in-8, 1743

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : DESCRIPTION of VENTILATORS : whereby Great Quantities of FRESH AIR may with Ease be conveyed into MINES, GOALS, HOSPITALS, WORK-HOUSES and SHIPS . . . and their Great Usefulness in preserving all Sorts of Grain Dry, Sweet, and free from Weevels, etc. etc., also in drying Corn, Malt, Hops, Gun-Powder, etc.

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