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ZYMOLOGIA PHYSICA, or a brief PHILOSOPHICAL DISCOURSE of FERMENTATION, from a NEW HYPOTHESIS of ACIDUM and SULPHUR, whereby the Phoenomena of all natural Hot-Baths, the Generation of Minerals, the Production of many Acidulse or Spaw-waters, the Grand...

Auteur(s) : SIMPSON (William)

Description : in-12, W. Cooper, 1675

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : ZYMOLOGIA PHYSICA, or a brief PHILOSOPHICAL DISCOURSE of FERMENTATION, from a NEW HYPOTHESIS of ACIDUM and SULPHUR, whereby the Phoenomena of all natural Hot-Baths, the Generation of Minerals, the Production of many Acidulse or Spaw-waters, the Grand apparances of Heat, Fire, and Light, throughout the triplicity of Nature's Dominions, in the productions of Bodies, are solv'd from the INTESTINE DUELLINGS and INWARD COLLISIONS of the foresaid principles. Whereby other subterraneal Phoenomena, as DAMPS, EARTH-QUAKES, ERUPTIONS, etc. likewise the appearances of Meteors, etc. . . . are from the same Doctrine of Fermentation genuinely solv'd ; with a Discourse of the SULPHUR-BATH at KNARSBROUGH

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