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A NEW and EASIE METHOD of the ART of DYALLING, containing I. All Horizontal Dyals, all Upright Dyals, Reflecting Dyals, Dyals without Centres, Nocturnal Dyals, Upright Declining Dyals, without knowing the Declination of the Plane. II. The most Natural...

Auteur(s) : STRODE (Thomas)

Description : in-4, H.C. for J. Taylor, 1688

Titre complet de l'ouvrage : A NEW and EASIE METHOD of the ART of DYALLING, containing I. All Horizontal Dyals, all Upright Dyals, Reflecting Dyals, Dyals without Centres, Nocturnal Dyals, Upright Declining Dyals, without knowing the Declination of the Plane. II. The most Natural and Easie Way of Describing the Curve-Lines of the Suns Declination on any Plane. The like never before published

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