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    Brahe (Tycho)
    Tychonis Brahe Dani Astronomiae instauratae Progymnasmata

    Francofurti, Apud Godefridum Tampachium, 1610, in-4

    Brahe (Tycho)
    Tychonis Brahe Astronomiae instauratae Progymnasmata

    Typis inchoata Vraniburgi Daniae, absoluta Pragae Bohemiae, 1602, in-4

    DIGBY (Sir Kenelm)
    Two Treatises. In the one of which, the Nature of Bodies; in the other, the Nature of Mans Soule; is looked into: in way of discovery, of the Immortality of Reasonable Soules

    in-folio Paris, Gilles Blaizot, 1644

    NEWTON (Sir Isaac)
    Two TREATISES of the QUADRATURE of CURVES, and Analysis by Equations of an Infinite Number of Terms explained ; containing the Treatises trans, into English, with large Commentary, etc. etc., by JOHN STEWART, Aberdeen

    in-4, 1745

    WINTHROP (John)
    Two Lectures on Comets

    petit in-8, Boston, Green & Russell, 1759

    STURT, Charles
    Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia, during the years 1828, 1829, 1830, and 1831: with Observations on the Soil, Climate, and General Resources of the Colony of New South Wales

    . London Smith, Elder, 1833 2 volumes in-8

    HILL (John)
    Twenty-five new plants, rais'd in the Royal Gardens at Kew ; Their history and figures.

    London, 1773

    FURBER (Robert)
    Twelve months or flowers

    London, 1730, in-folio

    TUTTE l'OPERE d' ARITHMETICA, nelle quali in XVII Libri con varie Prove, & Ragioni, mostrasi ogni Prattica Naturale, & Artificiale, i Modi, & le Regole da gli Antichi, & Moderni usate nell' ARTE MERCANTILE; & ove interviene Calcolo, Pesi, Denaii,...

    é vol. petits in-4, Venetia, 1592-1593

    KIRCHER (Athanasius)
    Turris Babel, sive Archontologia

    in-folio Amstelodami (Amsterdam), Officina Janssonio- Waesbergiana, 1679

    MORLAND (Sir Samuel)
    Tuba Stentoro-Phonica, an Instrument of Excellent Use, as well at Sea, as at Land

    in-folio W. Godbid, sold by M. Pitt, 1672

    MORLAND (Sir Samuel)
    Tuba Stentora-Phonica, An Instrument of Excellent Use As Well at Sea, as at Land

    petit in-folio W. Godbid for M. Pitt, 1672

    BESSLER (Johann Ernst Elias)
    Triumphans perpetuum mobile orffyreanum Omnibus Summis Orbis Universi Principibus Magistratibus & Statibus

    petit in-4, sumptibus ipsius inventoris, apud quem in arce Weissensteiniana compactum venale prostat (Typis Cassellanis exscriptum) [ impr. Au château Weissenstein, Kassel, Oct. 1719 ]

    TRIUMPH-WAGEN ANTIMONII, alien ¦ so den Grund der Uhralten Medicin suchen ¦ auch zu der Hermetischen Philosophie Beliebnis tragen ¦ zu gut publiciret ¦ und samt noch SIEBEN ANDERN gleichmassig höchstnutzlichen...

    grand in-12, Nürnberg, 1676

    NORWOOD (Richard)
    Trigonometrie. Or, the Doctrine of Triangles

    petit in-4, William Jones, 1631

    NORWOOD (Richard)
    TRIGONOMETRIE, or the DOCTRINE of TRIANGLES, shewing the mensuration of Right lined and Sphericall Triangles : With the grounds and demonstrations thereof. Both performed by that late arid excellent invention of LOGARITHMES, after a more easie and...

    in-4, William Jones, 1631

    PITISCUS (Bartholomaeus)
    TRIGONOMETRIE : or the DOCTRINE of TRIANGLES, trans, by RA : HANDSON, with certaine NAUTICALL QUESTIONS, together with the finding of the Variation of the Compasse. All performed Arithmetically, without Map, Sphere, Globe, or Astrolabe, by the said R....

    2 vol. in-4, J. Tap, S.d. [1630 ]

    PITISCUS (Bartholomeo)
    Trigonometriae sive de dimensione Triangulorum libri quinque, item Problematum variorum

    petit in-4, Augsburg, M. Manger for D Custos, 1600

    PITISCUS (Bartholomaeus)
    TRIGONOMETRIAE sive de Dimensione Triangulor(um) Libri V, item Problematum varioru nempe Geodaeticorum, Altimetricorum, Geographicorum, Gnomonicorum, et Astronomicorum Libri X Trigonometriae subiuncti, ad Usum eius demonstrandum

    (A la fin : ) Aug. Vindel, 1600, in-4

    BRAMER (Benjamin)
    Trigonometria Planarum Mechanica. Oder Underricht unnd Beschreibung eines neuwen und sehr bequemen Geometrischen Instruments

    Marpurg (Marburg), Paul Egelnolff, 1617, petit in-4

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